Pay Per Click Accountability

  • Posted on November 15, 2021
  • Technology
  • By Russell Richardson

Stay on Top of Your Advertising Dollars

Accounting For Your Pay-Per-Click Ad Campaign With Google

Verify Costs Incurred That Don't Reach Website Visitors Or Potential Customers. Managing your PPC account is like managing your finances.

Pay Per Click Accountability

Keywords with greater results 

Managing your PPC account effectively is all about understanding the different categories your keywords fall into. Let's break it down into three: the stars, the strugglers, and the budget busters.

Keep a keen eye on your keyword performance, categorize them into stars, strugglers, and budget busters, and make informed decisions to optimize your campaigns. It's time to turn your PPC game into a conversation that converts to a sale.

  1. First up, we have the stars. These keywords are the shining gems that consistently bring in exceptional results for your business. They attract high-quality traffic, drive conversions, and have a remarkable impact on your ROI. Keep a close eye on these keywords and be sure to allocate more of your budget towards them. They have the potential to take your campaigns to new heights.

  2. Now let's move on to the strugglers. These keywords, unfortunately, don't quite hit the mark. They might have a low click-through rate, a high bounce rate, or simply fail to convert into sales. It's crucial to identify these underperformers and take the necessary actions. Consider optimizing your ad copy or landing pages to give them a fighting chance. But if they continue to disappoint, it may be time to bid them farewell.

  3. Lastly, we have the budget busters. These sneaky keywords are the ones that drain your precious ad budget without offering any value in return. They could be irrelevant to your business or have such low search volume that they barely make a ripple. Regularly reviewing your keyword search terms report is key to finding these culprits. By pausing or removing them from your campaign, you can save some serious cash and allocate it towards more profitable ventures.

How to track your Paid Traffic with a GCLID

If you’re familiar with Google advertising campaigns then feel free to skip ahead to: what is a GCLID and why it is important? The tracking section gives tips on how to identify pay-per-clicks through the google search console. If you have any doubts about the authenticity of your GCLID clicks, then click here for step-by-step instructions on how to view and verify GCLID's from your server logs.

What is Google pay-per-click advertising?

Laptop Search

Buying pay-per-click from google to showcase your ad at the top of a keyword search is attractive if there is profit from these clicks. These ads are links that will typically appear in groups of three at the top or bottom of Google’s search results.

These paid clicks vary in price due to the competition of keywords, and this amount will fluctuate based on bidding for keywords and what a person is willing to pay per click. It's common sense to want more out of paid advertising than the amount spent on an ad campaign. 

What is a GCLID important and how is it used?

Man or Bot - Who is clicking your ad

Block Click Fraud

Free and Paid Methods to prevent click fraud

Read what Google has written about invalid GCLID clicks that are not real visitors. -

Invalid Clicks -

Technical Consultant

Russell Richardson

I offer web tools and solutions that turn visitor traffic and cold leads into warm phone calls.

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