Ideal Website
- Posted on December 05, 2021
- By Russell Richardson
Delivering your ideal website
Premium Content Services
What do you want on your website?
In a perfect situation, a client would send over all organized content in a page-by-page fashion at the beginning of a project, thus giving a developer something to design. Otherwise, a developer may charge a premium to provide written content.
By providing purpose and content we can prevent unnecessary loss of valuable time. A web designer tasked with creating content will require many hours to become familiar with the writing style of a business. It's possible to use AI to craft content that may or may not resonate with the web client. Again leading down a path of potential problems.
With a lack of content, a developer will often substitute sample content or copy a similar industry-related website. Using sample content creates a problem because clients will critique this content during the design phase. Sample content taken from a competitor's site can also lead to legal problems if the site gets published and therefore an understanding of the creation and origin of the content is just as essential to the project as the content itself.
When designing a site it's good to give context to what is needed. Here are some basic elements needed from a customer for the creation of a website.
- Site Name
- Main page content: Copy, images, video, links
- Contact details: Name, email, phone, location
- Contact form
- Services or products offered
- Privacy policy
These are great questions to always ask in a first meeting.
- Who will service the site?
- Will the customer or the web developer manage and grow the site?
A backend site maintenance tool is important as it allows for content to be created by the customer, thus saving money. Gone are the days of secret magician web developers and hail the days of customers designing and writing content.